1 The Kyoto word is maiko.
2 Guitars of three strings.
3 It is sometimes customary for guests to exchange cups, after duly rinsing them. It is always a compliment to ask for your friend's cup.
4 Once more to rest beside her, or keep five thousand koku? What care I for koku? Let me be with her!'
There lived in ancient times a haramoto called Fuji-eda Geki, a vassal of the Shogun. He had an income of five thousand koku of rice - a great income in those days. But he fell in love with an inmate of the Yoshiwara, named Ayaginu, and wished to marry her. When his master bade the vassal choose between his fortune and his passion, the lovers fled secretly to a farmer's house, and there committed suicide together. And the above song was made about them. It is still sung.
5 'Dear, shouldst thou die, grave shall hold thee never! I thy body's ashes, mixed with wine, wit! drink.'
6 Maneki-Neko
7 Buddhist food, containing no animal substance. Some kinds of shojin- ryori are quite appetising.
8 The terms oshiire and zendana might be partly rendered by 'wardrobe' and 'cupboard.' The fusuma are sliding screens serving as doors.
9 Tennin, a 'Sky-Maiden,' a Buddhist angel.
10 Her shrine is at Nara - not far from the temple of the giant Buddha.