North America

Faithless Jehu - The "Blarney Stone" - Mennonites in search of News - "Water, Water everywhere" - A Herd of Buffaloes - A Mud Village - Pointe du Chene and Old Nile - At Dawson Route - A Cheerful Party - Toujours perdrix - The "Best Room" - A Government Shanty - Cats and Dogs - Birch River - Mushroom-picking - The Mosquito Plague - A Corduroy Road - The Cariboo Muskeg.

The "Nor'-west Angle" - The Company's House - Triumph of "Stick-in-the-Mud" - On the Lake of the Woods - A Gallant Cook - Buns a l'imprevu - A Man overboard! - Camping out - Clear Water Bay - Our First Portage - A Noble Savage - How Lake Rice and Lake Deception won their Names - At our Journey's End.

Making a New Home - Carriere's Kitchen - The Navvies' Salle-a-Manger - A Curious Milking Custom - Insect Plagues - Peterboro' Canoes - Fishing Trips - Mail-day - Indian dread of drowning - The Indian Mail-carrier and his Partner - Talking by Telegraph - Prairie Fires.

Irish Wit - Bears? - Death on the Red Pine Lake - A Grave in the Catholic Cemetery - The First Dog-train - A Christmas Fete - Compulsory Temperance - Contraband Goods - The Prisoner wins the Day - Whisky on the Island - The Smuggler turned Detective - A Fatal Frolic - "Mr. K - - 's Legs".

Birds of Passage - An Independent Swede - By Sleigh to Ostersund - A Son of the Forest - Burnt out - A Brave Canadian Girl - Roughing it in the Shanty - The Kitchen-tent - Blasting the Rock - The Perils of Nitro-glycerine - Bitter Jests.

We lose our Cows - Cahill promoted - Gardening on a New Principle - Onions in Hot-houses - Cahill is hoaxed - Martin the Builder - How the Navvies lived - Sunday in Camp - The Cook's Leap - That "Beautiful Skunk!" - Wild Fruits - Parting.

For Ostersund - Lake Lulu - Giant Rocks and Pigmy Mortals - The Island Garden - Heaven's Artillery - Strange Casualty at the Ravine - My Luggage nearly blown up - The Driver's Presence of Mind - How to carry a Canoe - Darlington Bay - An Invisible Lake - Lord and Lady Dufferin - A Paddle to the Lakes - The Captain's Tug - Monopoly of Water-carriage - Indian Legends - The Abode of Snakes.

Clear Water Bay transformed - Cahill's Farewell - Ptarmigan Bay - A Night under Canvas - "No more Collars or Neckties!" - Companions in Misfortune - Cedar Lake - "Lop-sticks" - An Indian Village - Shashegheesh's Two Wives - Buying Potatoes - Seniores Priores - Excellent Carrots! - Frank's Flirtations with the Squaws - The Dogs eat Carriere's Toboggan.

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