No. I.
Copy of a Letter from JOHN TURNBULL, Esquire, Chairman to the Board of Trade, to E. COOKE, Esquire, Under Secretary of State, &c. &c. &c.
In my capacity of General Chairman of the Merchants trading to the Mediterranean, and in consequence of the commercial relations which I have long maintained with Gibraltar, I think it my duty to submit, with great deference, to the consideration of Lord Castlereagh certain observations respecting the late dreadful calamity, which afflicted that garrison. The great mortality which then prevailed, and which carried off almost the whole of the civil inhabitants, was in a great degree to be imputed to the want of medical assistance for the poorer classes of the people, who are chiefly foreigners. The physicians and surgeons attached to the army, had every moment of their time fully occupied by the care of the troops immediately under their charge. If even they could have spared a little attention to the miserable objects just mentioned, it could probably have produced but a very inadequate effect. As the medical gentlemen could not be supposed to be acquainted with the various foreign dialects that these people could only make use of, they were therefore obliged to be abandoned to their fate; and by their numerous deaths, and the intercourse they had with one another, necessarily occasioned a deplorable increase of contagion. It is therefore respectfully suggested, that, as the return of such a disorder ought at any rate to be guarded against, it would be highly desirable, that a medical gentleman, conversant with the languages of the southern parts of Europe, should be appointed as physician to the civil inhabitants of Gibraltar, and for their express and immediate care. There is now in London, a gentleman (Doctor Buffa), Physician to His Majesty's Forces, who appears to be peculiarly well qualified for such an appointment. He is possessed of superior medical abilities, and particularly in the disorders of the plague and yellow-fever, in the treatment of which he has had much experience and success; and having been born in Piedmont, he is well acquainted with the southern languages of Europe. If Lord Castlereagh should be pleased to approve of Doctor Buffa being placed at Gibraltar, in the situation which I have taken the liberty to suggest, it would occasion no extraordinary expense to Government, Doctor Buffa being now one of the Physicians to the Army, and might eventually be productive of the most beneficial effects.
I have the honour to be, most respectfully,
Your most obedient and
Most humble servant,
Guilford Street, 5th August 1805.
E. Cooke, Esq. &c. &c. &c.
No. II.
Letter from the Secretary of the Transport Board to Dr. BUFFA.
Transport Office, 16th October 1805.
I am directed by the Board to acquaint you, that a passage to Gibraltar has been provided for yourself, Mrs. Buffa, your family and brother-in-law, on board the Active transport; and that you may embark on board that ship at Deptford immediately.
I am further directed to add, that it will be necessary for you to find your own provisions.
I am, Sir,
Your most obedient servant,
A. WHITEHEAD, Secretary.
To Dr. Buffa,
&c. &c. &c.
No. III.
Extract of a Letter from JOHN TURNBULL, Esq. Chairman of the Committee of Merchants trading to the Levant, &c. to Dr. BUFFA.
On your arrival at Gibraltar, I was favoured with two letters from you; but have not since had the pleasure of hearing from you. Nor have I written to you, as, notwithstanding the unremitting endeavours, and the constant attention, on every occasion, of His Royal Highness and myself, it has not been in our power to do any thing effectual to serve you. The Medical Board continue to give all the opposition that they possibly can, and made a very unfavourable report, in consequence of a strong representation that I made in your favour to Mr. Windham.
London, 7th July 1806.
No. IV.
Extract of a Letter from JOHN ROSS, Esq. Acting Consul General at Tangiers, to Dr. BUFFA.
Friday, 7th May 1806.
I heard only to-day of your arrival at Tetuan on your way to Larache, and this evening received an express from Indy Mahamed Slawey, Governor of that place, to request that, if I knew you had been in this country, you would use every possible endeavour to come to him at Larache; and to accompany him to the Emperor who wished to see you.
Let me therefore request your moving as quick as possible to Larache direct from Tetuan, and join him before he departs. Should you miss him, he has left orders to his Lieutenant-governor there, to forward you to Sidy immediately.
No. V.
Letter written to JOHN ROSS, Esq. Acting Consul General at Tangiers.
Larache, May 17th, 1806.
His Excellency the Governor of this place having last evening received a letter from the Emperor, inclosing a communication transmitted by the French Consul, together with a note from Paris, His Excellency has honoured me with both to peruse. Their contents were the most severe philippics against England; our blessed government was represented the most perfidious and treacherous in the world, and great art used to excite distrust, and to produce a rupture with England. M. Talleyrand informs His Imperial Majesty, by command, of the taking of Naples, and the republic of Ragusa; that Bonaparte, for certain political reasons, has thought it expedient to appoint Louis Bonaparte King of Holland; and Joseph, his other brother, King of the Two Sicilies: that it was Bonaparte's determination to exclude the English from every port in Europe: that Ceuta should, as soon as an opportunity offers, be occupied entirely by French troops; that Spain and Portugal would soon become provinces of France, and that His Imperial Majesty could do no better thing than to abandon the English, and make common cause with France: that the French Consul was charged to demand five thousand bullocks, as many horses and mules; wheat and barley for the French forces: that an equivalent in territory should be given to the Emperor, and a certain scheme submitted to the Court of Morocco highly honourable and advantageous to Barbary.
I told His Excellency to be on his guard; for that, by art, Bonaparte has enslaved, plundered, and overturned the continent of Europe: that I could not help ridiculing the idea of exporting provisions and cattle from Barbary: that Bonaparte might cause them to be exported by air-balloons, but by no other means or conveyance, while England rules the seas. I availed myself of this opportunity of delineating the features of the Great Nation, and relating the acts and deeds of Bonaparte at Alexandria, Acre, and Jaffa; which had the desired effect. He then confidentially informed me, that the Emperor had commanded him to reply to the French government as he deemed most conducive to the interest and good of Barbary: that he should cut matters short: that proper steps should be taken to defeat their cabals and intrigues, and a watchful eye kept for the future on the motions of the French Consul, and all his agents; and that I might assure the British government, that his influence shall always be used for the interests of the English. Upon which I thanked him, and told him that the Emperor might always command my services, whenever he deemed them necessary.
You will no longer apprehend the ascendancy of the French in this part of the world, as it is all over with them; nor will they ever succeed as long as this excellent Moorish Chief guides the councils of thee Emperor.
I remain, with due respect,
Your Most obedient servant,
To John Ross, Esq. Acting Consul General, ' Tangiers.
No. VI.
Letter from Captain STEWART, of His Majesty's Ship Seahorse, to - - .
His Britannic Majesty's Frigate Seahorse, June 1806.
Presuming on the great friendship between our royal masters, I have sent an officer on shore to request of you, leave to purchase some cattle, sheep, and fowls, for myself, my officers and crew, who have been long cruizing without fresh provisions. He is authorized to draw bills on the British government for the amount of the purchase, which I will approve and sign.
The quantity of cattle we want, will be about twenty-five, of sheep about eighteen, and of fowls about twelve dozen (besides some eggs and vegetables), more or less, according to the price.
May the light of Heaven be shed upon you many years!
I have the honour to be, with great respect,
Your most obedient humble servant,
No. VII.
Letter from Lord COLLINGWOOD to His Excellency
the Governor of Larache.
Ocean, off Cadiz, 8th July 1806.
I have received the letter which Your Excellency directed to be wrote by Dr. Buffa to one of my officers who sent to Larache for stock; and I beg to express to you the great satisfaction I have in every instance which demonstrates the friendship which is entertained, by His Imperial Majesty, for the King of Great Britain, and his subjects; and to assure Your Excellency, that, on my part, I shall always be happy in every opportunity of shewing you, that the same sentiment of friendship and kindness is felt by us towards the Moors.
I am much obliged to Your Excellency for the supplies of refreshment, which you are pleased to offer to my ships, which may call at Larache. And wishing you health,
I am,
Most excellent Governor,
Your friend and servant.
To His Excellency
the Governor of Larache.
Letter to the Right Honourable Lord COLLINGWOOD, &c. &c. &c.
Michanez, July 16th, 1808.
I am instructed by His Excellency the Governor of Larache, and principal minister of the Emperor of Morocco, to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship's letter, directed to him at Larache, of the 8th instant, and feel great satisfaction in being able thus to convey His Excellency's assurance to your Lordship, that nothing shall be wanting on his part to forward (which is verbatim what he directed me to write) the interest of the English, as long as he shall retain any influence with his royal master; that he has always felt great pleasure in promoting the views and wishes of the late English Consul, and shall ever continue the same.
He has represented to His Imperial Majesty the affair of the French privateer, which was driven on shore near Tangiers, by one of your Lordship's small vessels. His Excellency commands me to inform your Lordship, that His Imperial Majesty highly approves of the noble and generous conduct of the English on that occasion, and deprecates that of the French, lamenting, that when the marauders landed on the Moorish shore, his subjects did not put every Frenchman to death.
His Imperial Majesty greatly laments the undeserved treatment which was offered near Tetuan to one of your Lordship's officers, by an unworthy officer under the command of Governor Ash-Ash. His Imperial Majesty, at His Excellency's representation, solicited by me, has written, some time since, a letter to Ash-Ash, strictly enjoining and commanding him to favour the interest of the English only, and not to take any French part directly or indirectly, on pain of His Majesty's eternal displeasure; the more so, as His Imperial Majesty's solicitude and resolve is now to keep up that friendship and good understanding which has hitherto been evinced on all occasions on the part of the King of Britain, and His Imperial Majesty, who desires to be made known to your Lordship his decided partiality to the English. His Excellency wishes your Lordship health and prosperity.
I have the honour to be, my Lord,
Your Lordship's
Most obedient humble servant,
To His Excellency
Lord Collingwood,
&c. &c. &c.
By order of Mahomed Abdalah Eslawee,
Governor of Larache, and first Minister
to the Emperor.
No. IX.
Translation of a Letter written by His Excellency the Governor of Larache, And first Minister to the Emperor of Morocco, to the Right Honourable Lord COLLINGWOOD.
Larache, July 27th, 1806.
His Imperial Majesty having been pleased to permit Doctor Buffa to return to Gibraltar, and entertaining a great regard for him, on account of the good he has done in Barbary, the Emperor has also been pleased to testify the same in a letter written with his own hand, to the King of Great Britain, strongly pressing His Majesty that the Doctor may be permitted to attend him occasionally, and to reside upon a fixed appointment at Gibraltar. In compliance with His Imperial Majesty's wishes, I have now most earnestly to request that your Lordship will be pleased to order him a sure and commodious conveyance for Gibraltar, and to take in the presents he has received as a reward for his merit, and for his good and steady conduct during his stay with us. The Doctor carries with him the good wishes of all the Moors attached to my Royal and Imperial Master; and I have the honour to assure your Lordship, that he has daily exerted himself with me, and lately with the Emperor, for the service of His Majesty's navy, and for the garrison of Gibraltar.
On this account alone, I hope your Lordship will, as soon as possible, afford him an opportunity of joining his family in safety.
Health and prosperity.
No. X.
Translation of a Letter, in the Arabic Language, from Sultan SOLYMAN BEN MAHOMED, Emperor of Morocco, to His Majesty GEORGE the Third, King of Great Britain, &c, &c, &c. &c.
In the name of God, the all-merciful and commiserating God; on whom is our account, and whose support we acknowledge; for there is neither creation, nor power, but that which proceeds from God, the high and eternal God.
From the servant of God, the commander of the faithful in Mahomed, upheld and supported by the grace of God, Solyman the son of Mahomed, the son of Abd' Allah, the son of Ismael, Prince of Hassenie, ever upheld by the power of God, Sultan of Fez, of Morocco, of Suze, of Dea'ha, of Tafilet, and of Tuat, together with all the territories of the Garban West.
/ - - - - - - - \
/ L .S. \
/ Solyman the \
| Son of Mahommed, |
| &c. &c. |
| God illumine |
| and support |
\ him, /
\ &c. &c. /
\ - - - - - - - /
To our cherished, our dearly beloved brother (who is exalted by the power of God), Sultan George the Third, Sultan of the territories of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Duke of Mecklenberg, Prince descended from the line or dynasty of the Emperors of Rome and Palestine.
This premised, we inform you, that we continually make diligent and friendly inquiry concerning you, desiring from our heart, that you may be at all times surrounded by wealth and prosperity. We wish you to increase in friendship with us, that our alliance may be stronger than heretofore, even stronger than it was in the days of our ancestors, whom God guard and protect. Now therefore we make known to you, that your physician and servant Dr. Buffa has been in our royal presence, which is exalted by the bounty of God; and we have been pleased with his medical knowledge and diligent attention; and moreover with the relief he hath given to us. We have therefore to entreat or to ask of you, to give him your royal order to return to our neighbourhood, to Gibraltar, well provided with all good and necessary medicines; that he, residing at Gibraltar, may be ready to attend quickly on our royal person, whenever we may stand in need of his medical assistance: we trust you will therefore return him immediately without delay or procrastination; seeing that he has been of essential service to us. And we recommend you to exalt Dr. Buffa in your favour, and we will always be your allies and friends. May you be ever surrounded by wealth and prosperity! Peace be with you! The fourth day of the month of Jumad Elute, in the year of the Hagira 1222, answering to the fifth or sixth of July 1807.
Done into the English as literally as the incompatibility of the idioms of the two languages would admit of, by JAMES GRAY JACKSON, professor of African and Arabic languages.
Fenchurch Buildings, July 1807.
No. XI.
Translations from the Arabic. The first received the 18th January; the latter, 6th July, 1808.
In the name of God, from Mahomed Ben
Abdalah Eslawee, Governor of Tetuan, Tangiers,
and its dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
To Doctor BUFFA.
Since your departure from us, we have not received any letter, nor heard from you; so not having heard any thing of you, we are much uneasy and concerned about you: for we love you. We are ordered by the sacred commands of our Sultan, to require you will acquaint us how you are, if any thing has happened you; and that you will return to us with an answer to the sacred letter entrusted to you, with a fresh supply of medicines, according to your promise.
We also request you will endeavour to obtain from the English Government, two masts for a frigate, of forty-five feet each, which you will cause to be sent by a frigate to Larache; and all the expense which may occur, will be paid without fail. We hope you will assist as much as possible in this business; and we wish you health, prosperity, and a speedy return among us.
In the Year of the Hagira 1223.
No. XII.
The second Letter, prefaced as the former, to Doctor BUFFA.
We have continued to make incessant inquiries after you, but all to no purpose. What has become, or befallen you, we know not; nothing, we hope, very bad. We consider you a very good man, honest and honourable; you cannot wilfully forfeit your sacred pledge, your promise, your honour to return to us. We were afraid you were dead, but we heard lately you are alive, and resident in London. Return then to the presence of our great Sultan, and every thing you will reasonably ask for your nation shall be granted to your nation, shall be granted to you. The supplies shall be increased to Gibraltar, and you will be treated as before, and, if possible, better still; for we love you. Return then without fear to the presence of our great Sultan, and prove yourself a true Englishman, by keeping your promise. We wish you good health and prosperity.
In the Year of the Hagira 1223.