Boma . . . . . . . enclosure.
Bubu . . . . . . . black beads.
Diwan . . . . . . elder, chief, or magistrate.
Doti . . . . . . four yards of cloth.
Dowa . . . . . . medicine.
Fundo . . . . . . ten necklaces, or ten khetes.
Ghulabio . . . . . a species of bead.
Hafde . . . . . a species of bead.
Hamal . . . . . carrier.
Honga . . . . . tribute.
Ismahili . . . . . a native name for a particular kind of cloth.
Kadunguru . . . . . a brick-coloured species of bead.
Kaif-Halek . . . . "How do you do?"
Kaniki . . . . a blue cloth manufactured in India.
Knambi . . . . camp.
Khete . . . . one necklace, or a tenth of a fundo.
Kichuma-chuma . . . "Little Irons," a disease of the liver.
Kirangozi . . . . guide.
Kitambi . . . . a cloth.
Kiti . . . . . stool.
Lakhio . . . . . a pink-coloured species of bead.
Lunghio . . . . . blue beads.
Lunghio mbamba . . . small blue beads.
Lunghio rega . . . large blue beads.
M . . . . . a prefix to denote a person of any country as M-jiji, a native of Jiji.
Manyapara . . . . elder, or sub-chief.
Matama . . . . . Holcus sorghum, or the Arabic dourra.
Mbembu . . . . . forest peach
Merikani . . . . . unbleached domestics manufactured in America.
Mganga . . . . . a medicine man, or magic doctor,
Miezi-Mungu . . . . a Kisawahili term for "God."
Mtemi . . . . a term synonymous with king
Mtoni . . . . . nullah.
Muhongo . . . . . tribute.
Mulungu . . . . . a native term for "God."
Mukunguru . . . . intermittent fever.
Mvuha . . . . . thunder.
Ngombe . . . . . a cow.
Pagazi . . . . . a porter, or carrier.
Posho . . . . . food.
Sami-Sami . . . . the name of red beads
Shamba . . . . . a field.
Shasr . . . . . a muslin cloth.
Sheikh . . . . . a title of courtesy given to an elderly man.
Shukka . . . . . two yards of cloth.
Sohari . . . . . a kind of coloured cloth.
Sungomazzi . . . . large glass or china beads of the size of marbles.
Toujiri . . . . . the name for a particular kind of cloth.
U . . . . . a prefix to denote the country: thus U-jiji signifies the country of Jiji.
Uganga . . . . . medicine.
Wa- . . . . . a prefix to denote persons: thus Wa-jiji would signify people of Jiji.
Washeni . . . . . a term of contempt applied to the natives.
Yambo . . . . . "How are you?"
Ziwa . . . . . a pool, or lake.
Ziwari . . . . . a pond.