
Leave Larache with an Escort - Curious Custom on returning from Mecca - Arrive at Tetuan.


His Excellency the Governor of Larache being perfectly recovered, I took my departure from that city. For the sake of novelty, I proposed returning to Gibraltar, by this route, rather than by Tangiers. I obtained a letter of recommendation to Sidy Ash-Ash, and was accompanied by a strong guard, provided with a tent, and all other necessaries for the journey.

Prevalent Diseases - Abuse of Stimulants - Medicinal Well - Sorcery - Hydrophobia.


Ill Usage of a Lieutenant of the Swiftsure - Disaffection of the Moorish Governor towards Great Britain.

Gibraltar, March 1806

His Majesty's ship the Swiftsure having arrived at Tetuan, to take in fresh water, I went on board. The watering-place is about eighteen miles from Tetuan, and six from the customhouse, at which last place is a tower, guarded by a strong detachment, and commanded by a Captain. When the ship had completed her water, signals were made to strike the tent, and every one to repair on board.

Depart for Gibraltar - Oppressive Heat - Robbers - Arrive at Larache - Affray of some English Sailors - Letter from the Governor to Lord Collingwood.

Larache, August I, 1806.

I was perfectly right in my conjectures, that you would hear no more from me at Mequinez. Having succeeded in curing the patients under my care, and no disease of any consequence prevailing in the country, I thought it a favourable opportunity to request permission of the Emperor to return to Gibraltar; and having obtained it, I set off for this place.

Sail for Tetuan - Appearance of the Coast - Enter the Boosega River - Curious Towers of Defence - Custom-house-Female Dress - Enter Tetuan over a Road of unlevelled Rock - Disagreeable Streets - Well received by the Governor - Public Markets - Socco - An Auction Market.

Tetuan; March 14th, 1806

Embark for Gibraltar - Precautionary Hints.


Tetuan - The Jews much oppressed there - particularly the Females - Costume - Singularity of the Streets in the Jewish Town - Ceuta - Would be invaluable to England - Melilla - Summoned to visit the Emperor.

Tetuan, - - 1806.

No. I.

Copy of a Letter from JOHN TURNBULL, Esquire, Chairman to the Board of Trade, to E. COOKE, Esquire, Under Secretary of State, &c. &c. &c.


Journey to Larache - Annual Socco of St. Martin - No Christian permitted to witness it - Express Order for that Purpose in the Author's Favour - Specimen of native medical Skill - Reception at Larache - Complain of the Impositions of Governor Ash-Ash - Comparative Tariff - Effect the Renewal of the old Tariff with increasing Advantages.


Depart from Larache with a little Army - Moorish military Salute - Numerous Villages - Customary Procession of the Inhabitants - Judicial Arrangements - River Beth resembles the Po - Herds of Camels - Arrive at Mequinez - French Falsehood again put down - Excellent Road from Mequinez - Fertility and Luxuriance of the adjacent Country - Procession to the Sanctuary of Sidy Edris - Multiplicity of Saints - Ceremony demonstrative of the Emperor's Favour - Take possession of my new Residence.

Fez, - - 1806.

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