
BOULOGNE, June 13, 1765.

MONTPELLIER, November 10, 1763.

MONTPELLIER, November 12.

DEAR DOCTOR - I flattered myself with the hope of much amusement during my short stay at Montpellier. - The University, the Botanical Garden, the State of Physic in this part of the world, and the information I received of a curious collection of manuscripts, among which I hoped to find something for our friend Dr. H - r; all these particulars promised a rich fund of entertainment, which, however, I cannot enjoy.

NICE, December 6, 1763.

NICE, February 20, 1765.

by S. Baring-Gould


"What is this life, if it be not mixed with some delight? And what delight is more pleasing than to see the fashions and manners of unknown places? You know I am no common gadder, nor have oft troubled you with travell." - Tom of Reading, 1600.

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