
BOULOGNE, September 1, 1763.

SIR, - I am infinitely obliged to D. H - for the favourable manner in which he has mentioned me to the earl of H - I have at last recovered my books, by virtue of a particular order to the director of the douane, procured by the application of the English resident to the French ministry. I am now preparing for my long journey; but, before I leave this place, I shall send you the packet I mentioned, by Meriton. Mean-while I must fulfil my promise in communicating the observations I have had occasion to make upon this town and country.

NICE, November 10, 1764.

BOULOGNE, September 12, 1763.

NICE, November 10, 1764.


TURIN, March 18, 1765.

PARIS, October 12, 1763.

NICE, December 19, 1764.

SIR, - In my last, I gave you a succinct account of the silkworm, and the management of that curious insect in this country. I shall now proceed to describe the methods of making wine and oil.

AIX EN PROVENCE, May 10, 1765.

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