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For Ostersund - Lake Lulu - Giant Rocks and Pigmy Mortals - The Island Garden - Heaven's Artillery - Strange Casualty at the Ravine - My Luggage nearly blown up - The Driver's Presence of Mind - How to carry a Canoe - Darlington Bay - An Invisible Lake - Lord and Lady Dufferin - A Paddle to the Lakes - The Captain's Tug - Monopoly of Water-carriage - Indian Legends - The Abode of Snakes.

Clear Water Bay transformed - Cahill's Farewell - Ptarmigan Bay - A Night under Canvas - "No more Collars or Neckties!" - Companions in Misfortune - Cedar Lake - "Lop-sticks" - An Indian Village - Shashegheesh's Two Wives - Buying Potatoes - Seniores Priores - Excellent Carrots! - Frank's Flirtations with the Squaws - The Dogs eat Carriere's Toboggan.

Falcon River - An Unlucky Supper - The Fate of our Fried Pork - A Weary Paddle - A Sundial in the Wilderness - A Gipsy Picnic - "Floating away" - The Dried Musk-rats - Falcon Lake - How can we land? - Mr. M - - "in again" - Surprised by Indians - How we dried our Clothes - The Last Night in Camp.

The Canada Pacific Railway, so frequently referred to in the following pages, is now almost an accomplished fact. It will, after traversing for over a thousand miles the great prairies of the Swan River and Saskatchewan territories, thread the Rocky Mountains and, running through British Columbia to Vancouver's Island, unite the Pacific with the Atlantic. Of the value of this line to the Dominion and the mother country there cannot be two opinions.

Indian Loyalty - A Nap on Falcon Lake - A False Alarm - The Power of Whisky - Magnificent Water Stretches - A Striking Contrast - Picnic Lake - How we crossed Hawk Lake - Long Pine Lake - Bachelors' Quarters at Ingolf - We dress for Dinner - Our Last Portage - A Rash Choice - Grasp your Nettle - Mr. F - - 's Gallantry - Cross Lake - Denmark's Ranche - A Tramp through the Mire.

The Grand Trunk Railway - Sarnia - "Confusion worse confounded" - A Churlish Hostess - Fellow-Passengers on the Manitoba - "Off at last!" - Musical Honours - Sunrise on Lake Huron - A Scramble for Breakfast - An Impromptu Dance - The General Foe.

Tilford - Pedestrians under Difficulties - The Railway at last - Not exactly a First-class Carriage - The Jules Muskeg - Whitemouth and Broken-Head Rivers - Vagaries of the Engine-driver - The Hotel at St. Boniface - Red River Ferry - Winnipeg - "A Vagabond Heroine" - The Terrier at fault.

Saulte Ste. Marie - Indian Embroidery - Lake Superior - Preaching, Singing, and Card-playing - Silver Islet - Thunder Bay - The Dog River - Flowers at Fort William - "Forty Miles of Ice" - Icebergs and Warm Breezes - Duluth - Hotel Belles - Bump of Destructiveness in Porters.

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