
Expedition against the Doboduras - We hear reports about a Web-footed Tribe - Landing at the Mouth of the Musa River - A Good Bag - Barigi River Reached - A Flight of Torres Straits Pigeons - A Tropical Night Scene - Brilliant Rues of Tropical Fish - Arrival of Supplies - Prospects of a Stiff Fight - Landing of the Force - Pigs Shot to Prevent them from being Cooked Alive - Novelty of Firearms - A Red Sunrise - Beauty of the Forest - Enemies' War Cry First Heard - Rushing a Village - Revolting Relics of Cannibal Feast - Doboduras eat their Enemies Alive - Method of Extracting the Brains - E

A Night Attack - A Little Mistake - Horrible Barbarities of the Doboduras - Eating a Man Alive - A Sinister Warning - Saved by Rain - Daylight at Last - "Prudence the Better Part" - The Return - Welcome by the Notus - "Orakaiba."

Further Expedition Planned - Thank-offerings of Notu Chiefs - The Voyage - A Gigantic Flatfish - Negotiating a Difficult Bar - Moat Unhealthy Spot in New Guinea - Hostility of Natives - Precautions at Night - Catching Ground Sharks and a "Groper" - Shark-flesh a Delicacy to the Natives - Wakened by a War Cry - A False Alarm - A Hairbreadth Escape - Between "Devil and Deep Sea" - Dangers of the Goldfield - Two Miners Eaten Alive - Unexpected Visit from a White Man - "Where's that Razor?" - Crime of Cutting Down a Coconut Tree - Walsh's Camp - Torres Straits Pigeons - My Boy an ex-Cannibal -

Horrible Fate of one of our Enemies - Collecting in Cannibal - Haunted Forest - I Shoot a new Kingfisher, and a Bird of Paradise - Natives' Interest in Bird-Stuffing - Return Journey begun - Tree-house in a Notu Village - Peacemaking Ceremonies - Notu Village described - Our Allies sentenced for Cannibalism - Parting with Walsh and Clark.

Rumours at Cape Nelson of a "Duckfooted" People in the Interior - Conflicting Opinions - Views of a Confirmed Sceptic - Start of the Expedition - Magnificence of the Vegetation - Friendliness of the Barugas - The "Orakaibas" (Criers of "Peace") - Tree-huts eighty feet from the ground-Loveliness of this part of the Jungle - Description of its Plants - A Dry Season - First Glimpse of Agai Ambu Huts - Remarkable Scene on the Lake - Flight of the Agai Ambu in Canoes - Success at Last - A Voluntary Surrender - The Agai Ambu Flat-footed, not Web-footed - Sir Francis Winter's subsequent Visit and

The "Orang-utan" and the "Man of the Jungle" - Voyage to Sarawak - The Borneo Company, Limited - Kuching, a Picturesque Capital - Independence of Sarawak - I meet the Rajah and the Chief Officials - Etiquette of the Sarawak Court - The "Club" - The "Rangers" of Sarawak and their Trophies - Execution by means of the Long Kris - Degeneracy of the Land Dayaks - Ascent of the Rejang River - Mud Banks and Crocodiles - Dr.

I leave the Main Stream and journey up the Sarekei - A Stream overarched by Vegetation - House 200 feet long - I make Friends with the Chief - My New Quarters - Rarity of White Men - Friendliness of my New Hosts - Embarrassing Request from a Lady, "like we your skin" - Similar Experience of Wallace - Crowds to see me Undress - Dayak's interest in Illustrated Papers - Waist-rings of Dayak Women - Teeth filled with brass - Noisiness of a Dayak House - Dayak Dogs - A well-meant Blow and its Sequel - Uproarious Amusement of the Dayaks - Dayak Fruit-Trees - The Durian as King of all Fruits - Day

My stay in British North Borneo - Visit to a Tobacco Estate (Batu Puteh) - Start for the Birds'-nest Caves - News of the Local Chief's Death - Applicants for the Panglima-ship - We Visit the late Chief's House-Widows in white - The Hadji "who longed to be King" - Extraordinary Grove of Banyan-trees - Pigs, Crocodiles and Monkeys - Astonishing Swimming Performance of a Monkey - Water Birds Feeding on the Carcase of a Stag - The Hadji and his Men pray at a Native Grave-shrine - An Elephant charges past us - Arrival at the Caves - The Entrance - A Cave of enormous Height, description of the In

In a book of this kind it is often the custom to begin by making apologies. In my case I feel it to be a sheer necessity. In the first place what is here printed is for the greater part copied word for word from private letters that I wrote in very simple language in Dayak or Negrito huts, or in the lonely depths of tropical forests, in the far-off islands of the Southern Seas. I purposely made my letters home as concise as possible, so that they could be easily read, and in consequence have left out much that might have been interesting.

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