John Hanning Speke

Relief from Protectors and Pillagers - The Scenery and Geology - Meeting with the Friendly King Rumanika - His Hospitalities and Attention - His Services to the Expedition - Philosophical and Theological Inquiries - The Royal Family of Karague - The M-Fumbiro Mountain - Navigation of "The Little Windermere" - The New-Moon Levee - Rhinoceros and Hippopotamus Hunting - Measurement of a Fattened Queen - Political Polygamy - Christmas - Rumours of Petherick's Expedition - Arrangements to meet it - March to Uganda.

The Abyssinians and Gallas - Theory of Conquest of Inferior by Superior Races - The Wahuma and the Kingdom of Kittara - Legendary History of the Kingdom of Uganda - Its Constitution, and the Ceremonials of the Court.

Escape from Protectors - Cross the Kitangule, the First Affluent of the Nile - Enter Uddu - Uganda - A Rich Country - Driving away the Devil - A Conflict in the Camp - A Pretending Prince - Three Pages with a Diplomatic Message from the King of Uganda - Crime in Uganda.

Preparations for the Reception at the Court of Mtesa, King of Uganda - The Ceremonial - African Diplomacy and Dignity - Feats with the Rifle - Cruelty, and Wastefulness of Life - The Pages - The Queen- Dowager of Uganda - Her Court Reception - I negotiate for a Palace - Conversations with the King and Queen - The Queen's grand Entertainment - Royal Dissipation.

Continued Diplomatic Difficulties - Negro Chaffing - The King in a New Costume - Adjutant and Heron Shooting at Court - My Residence Changed - Scenes at Court - The Kamraviona, or Commander-in-Chief- -Quarrels - Confidential Communications with the King - Court Executions and Executioners - Another Day with the Queen.

A Visit to a Distinguished Statesman - A Visit from the King - Royal Sport - The Queen's Present of Wives - The Court Beauties and their Reverses - Judicial Procedure in Uganda - Buffalo-Hunting - A Musical Party - My Medical Practice - A Royal Excursion on the N'yanza - The Canoes of Uganda - A Regatta - Rifle Practice - Domestic Difficulties - Interference of a Magician - The King's Brothers.

Reception of a Victorious Army at Court - Royal Sport - A Review of the Troops - Negotiations for the Opening of the Road along the Nile - Grant's Return - Pillagings - Court Marriages - The King's Brothers - Divinations and Sacrifices - The Road granted at last - The Preparations for continuing the Expedition - The Departure.

John Hanning Speke was a man of thirty-six, when his Nile Journal appeared. He had entered the army in 1844, and completed ten years of service in India, serving through the Punjab Campaign. Already he had conceived the idea of exploring Africa, before his ten years were up, and on their conclusion he was appointed a member of the expedition preparing to start under Sir Richard (then Lieutenant Burton) for the Somali country.

Kari - Tragic Incident there - Renewals of Troubles - Quarrels with the Natives - Reach the Nile - Description of the Scene there - Sport - Church Estate - Ascend the River to the Junction with the Lake - Ripon Falls - General Account of the Source of the Nile - Descend again to Urondogani - The Truculent Sakibobo.

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