Isabella L. Bird

The Harmonies of Nature - A Good Horse - A Single Discord - A Forest - Aino Ferrymen - "Les Puces! Les Puces!" - Baffled Explorers - Ito's Contempt for Ainos - An Aino Introduction.


Peaceful Monotony - A Japanese School - A Dismal Ditty - Punishment - A Children's Party - A Juvenile Belle - Female Names - A Juvenile Drama- -Needlework - Calligraphy - Arranging Flowers - Kanaya - Daily Routine- -An Evening's Entertainment - Planning Routes - The God-shelf.

IRIMICHI, Nikko, June 23.

My peacefully monotonous life here is nearly at an end. The people are so quiet and kindly, though almost too still, and I have learned to know something of the externals of village life, and have become quite fond of the place.

The Necessity of Firmness - Perplexing Misrepresentations - Gliding with the Stream - Suburban Residences - The Kubota Hospital - A Formal Reception - The Normal School.

KUBOTA, July 23.

Savage Life - A Forest Track - Cleanly Villages - A Hospitable Reception - The Chief's Mother - The Evening Meal - A Savage Seance - Libations to the Gods - Nocturnal Silence - Aino Courtesy - The Chief's Wife.


Darkness visible - Nikko Shops - Girls and Matrons - Night and Sleep - Parental Love - Childish Docility - Hair-dressing - Skin Diseases.

A Silk Factory - Employment for Women - A Police Escort - The Japanese Police Force.

KUBOTA, July 23.

My next visit was to a factory of handloom silk-weavers, where 180 hands, half of them women, are employed. These new industrial openings for respectable employment for women and girls are very important, and tend in the direction of a much-needed social reform. The striped silk fabrics produced are entirely for home consumption.

A Supposed Act of Worship - Parental Tenderness - Morning Visits - Wretched Cultivation - Honesty and Generosity - A "Dug-out" - Female Occupations - The Ancient Fate - A New Arrival - A Perilous Prescription - The Shrine of Yoshitsune - The Chief's Return.

Shops and Shopping - The Barber's Shop - A Paper Waterproof - Ito's Vanity - Preparations for the Journey - Transport and Prices - Money and Measurements.

"A Plague of Immoderate Rain" - A Confidential Servant - Ito's Diary- -Ito's Excellences - Ito's Faults - Prophecy of the Future of Japan - Curious Queries - Superfine English - Economical Travelling - The Japanese Pack-horse again.

KUBOTA, July 24.

Barrenness of Savage Life - Irreclaimable Savages - The Aino Physique - Female Comeliness- Torture and Ornament - Child Life - Docility and Obedience.

BIRATORI, YEZO, August 24.

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