Isabella L. Bird

Yedo and Tokiyo - The Yokohama Railroad - The Effect of Misfits - The Plain of Yedo - Personal Peculiarities - First Impressions of Tokiyo- -H. B. M.'s Legation - An English Home.

H.B.M.'s LEGATION, YEDO, May 24.

A Hurry - The Tsugawa Packet-boat - Running the Rapids - Fantastic Scenery - The River-life - Vineyards - Drying Barley - Summer Silence - The Outskirts of Niigata - The Church Mission House.

NIIGATA, July 4.

Scanty Resources - Japanese Children - Children's Games - A Sagacious Example - A Kite Competition - Personal Privations.


"More than Peace" - Geographical Difficulties - Usu-taki - Swimming the Osharu - A Dream of Beauty - A Sunset Effect - A Nocturnal Alarm - The Coast Ainos.


"John Chinaman" - Engaging a Servant - First Impressions of Ito - A Solemn Contract - The Food Question.

H.B.M.'s LEGATION, YEDO, June 7.

I went to Yokohama for a week to visit Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn on the Bluff. Bishop and Mrs. Burdon of Hong Kong were also guests, and it was very pleasant.

Abominable Weather - Insect Pests - Absence of Foreign Trade - A Refractory River - Progress - The Japanese City - Water Highways - Niigata Gardens - Ruth Fyson - The Winter Climate - A Population in Wadding.

NIIGATA, July 9.

Hope deferred - Effects of the Flood - Activity of the Police - A Ramble in Disguise - The Tanabata Festival - Mr. Satow's Reputation.

KUROISHI, August 5.

The Sea-shore - A "Hairy Aino" - A Horse Fight - The Horses of Yezo - "Bad Mountains" - A Slight Accident - Magnificent Scenery - A Bleached Halting-Place - A Musty Room - Aino "Good-breeding."

Kwan-non Temple - Uniformity of Temple Architecture - A Kuruma Expedition - A Perpetual Festival - The Ni-o - The Limbo of Vanity - Heathen Prayers - Binzuru - A Group of Devils - Archery Galleries - New Japan - An Elegante.

H.B.M.'s LEGATION, YEDO, June 9.

The Canal-side at Niigata - Awful Loneliness - Courtesy - Dr. Palm's Tandem - A Noisy Matsuri - A Jolting Journey - The Mountain Villages - Winter Dismalness - An Out-of-the-world Hamlet - Crowded Dwellings - Riding a Cow - "Drunk and Disorderly" - An Enforced Rest - Local Discouragements - Heavy Loads - Absence of Beggary - Slow Travelling.

ICHINONO, July 12.

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